Tuesday, September 13, 2011

About This Blog, And Why I Started It.

About a year ago I decided to make some changes to make our family healthier. We were eating poorly, I was overweight and unhappy with my appearance, it seemed like our kids lives revolved around the TV, and our credit card debt was growing way too fast.

So I decided to start doing something to change what was making my family unhappy, unhealthy and stressed out.

It started with small changes. I thought, if I can make it a little better then how it was, then I will. I started making more things from scratch, limiting every one's TV time, trying "greener" cleaners, not using our credit cards for impulse purchases we couldn't afford otherwise. And I was amazed at how every little change I made, impacted the "big picture". I felt an huge sense of accomplishment when I made a meal from scratch and we sat down to eat it together as a family. Or when I resisted the urge to buy something using a credit card. Or when we turned the TV off and took the kids outside to play instead. And with every new change that came about, I was eager to try something else to make it even better!

Sure we still eat Oreo cookies, and watch our favorite show on TV. I made it easier on myself by not trying to make it "perfect" or "ideal", just "better". And that has been my goal throughout, make things "better" then the were.

So I decided to share my journey. I am excited to share the ideas, recipes, resources, and other things that I am doing to make my family "better", with who ever wants read this blog, or better yet, join me on the Road to Better!!

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