Monday, September 19, 2011

Making a Menu

I can't stress how much making a menu has made my life SO much easier. I used to be standing in front of the pantry or fridge at 5:00 wondering what I would make for dinner. Or end up giving the kids PB &J sandwiches for lunch 4 times a week because I didn't know what else to make. Or be in the middle of making something and realize I was out of a main ingredient. Ugh!

I now make a weekly menu, including what we will eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and anything else I want to make that week (muffins, granola bars, extra pizza dough, etc).

I am a planner by nature. So this was a easy thing for me start doing. I truly enjoy doing it, and love how effortless it makes every meal time throughout the week. No more microwave meals or running for fast food. Which means I know we will be eating healthy and saving money!

This is how I do it.
1- I make a list Sunday through Saturday with a blank for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I make note of any meals we won't be home for.

2- I start with breakfast, that is the easiest for me, because I basically keep it the same week to week. Monday is Oatmeal, Tuesday is Pancakes, etc.Then I add a fruit to each meal, and yogurt a couple times throughout the week. (I make sure they have a fruit each morning with breakfast)

3 - Then I work on lunch. I have a list made up a list of go-to lunch things for the kids (DH and I eat at a different time then the kids, so we usually have left overs, sandwiches or soup). I make note of anything we have extra of in the pantry (tortillas, pasta, etc) and try to pick meals that use those things. Then I fill in fruits and veggies into the meals (I am trying to make sure they have a fruit and veggie each day at lunch)

4 - Now on to dinner. I make a list of proteins to use based on what we have in the freezer, or what is on sale that week. If I'm short I'll fill in with a group that hasn't been used (if I have lots of chicken, and pork is on sale, I'll add something like ground beef). Then I look through my recipe collection and find a recipe to go with each protein).

Then I fill in with side dishes and veggies, also based on what we have on hand and what is on sale that week whenever possible. (I am trying to fit in 2 servings of veggies at dinner each night).

5 - I make note of anything I will want to make ahead (example, if we are making pizza, and I have no dough in the freezer, I will want to make that earlier in the day or week), or anything snacks I want to make or baking I want to do.

6 - The last step, is I start my shopping list. I take my menu and go meal by meal and make note of what we will need to make it. (I am working toward having most of the items already in my pantry, and just having to add fresh ingredients.)

Then I write up my menu on my little print out i found online, like this, and put it up on the fridge. I like having it there to glance at and see what is coming up, and everyone else in the family can look and see what is for any given meal. This eliminates the "What's for dinner?" question 80 times a day ;)

This is what is working for me now. I am always adapting as our family grows, and our needs change. But this is a vital part of my week now.

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