When we bought our house 3 years ago, the previous owners had a plot already laid out for a garden. We were excited for the next spring when we could start our own. The first year we didn't really know what we were doing, and I didn't know what to do with all the things that we were growing. So we gave away a lot of veggies and sadly, some went bad before we could use them. (We did some really cute pumpkins though!) It was a very hectic summer, Logan was still a little baby and not sleeping well, I was babysitting my nephews most days, and Adam was still working 90 minutes away. So meals were simple, and to be honest, most of the time from a box. I didn't have the time or energy for being in the kitchen. Shortly after that summer is when we decided to make the change in our family that I am writing about in this blog.
One of those changes was defiantly eating more fruit and veggies. So all winter we were excited to try out this gardening thing again. We planned what we would plant, and I researched recipes I could make with what we were growing and ways to preserve what we couldn't use fresh.
And I am happy to say this year was very bountiful! We grew zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers and corn. We also planted pumpkins again, but this year they didn't turn out =(.
However, the zucchini went crazy! We were eating it in every way I could think of! (roasted in the oven, in pastas, in muffins, zucchini pancakes, zucchini fries, zucchini casserole...). And I was busy, chopping and grating giant zucchinis and freezing them for later. (The whole bottom shelf of my basement freezer is FULL of zucchini!). We had plenty of fresh tomatoes to eat and I turned the extras into super yummy tomato sauce! We have been using it for making homemade pizza. (I froze the sauce this year, but next year I may can it.)
To use up all the cucumbers, we made pickles, which means I also experimented with canning for the first time! I was very scared to do it, but it went surprisingly well! This year, I just used a packaged seasoning mix, but I am thinking we will experiment some more next year and try our making our own seasoning. (Thinking we may try to make some of Emeril's Sweet and Spicy Pickles) I had to buy jars, and a couple utensils, but the investment is well worth it. I originally used my big pasta pot to do the water bath, but I have sense bought a big canning pot with a lift out jar holder. (Super excited to try this out for the first time, when I can pears this weekend!) I never pictured myself as someone who would "can" but now I think it will become a routine part of fall harvest time!
At first we thought the corn wasn't going to turn out, but we ended up getting quite a few ears! I processed this the day we picked it, to make sure it was super fresh. I just quickly blanched it, saved it off the cobs, and put it in freezer bags. It is SO super yummy! I'll be sad when it is gone.
We are already planning what we are going to grow next year! Were thinking more tomatoes, more cucumbers, and adding green beans. Can't wait til Spring!
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